analytics-greenGet hands on with

Our comprehensive reporting tools and dashboards are designed to gather and compile performance data, creating visual reports for detailed business insights.


Seeing the big picture

With Analytics, managers can track performance and movements from anywhere via Shipnet Portal’s dashboard, accessible on web or mobile.


  • Golar LNG Shipnet
  • Interorient Shipmanagement logo
  • Wilson positive PANTONE
  • Shipnet Asset 1
  • Desgagnes Shipnet
  • Cosco Shipping

Boost daily performance and make better use of insights

Every Shipnet ONE solution comes with Analytics bolted on the front-end, granting access to users from all areas of the business, so they can track performance from anywhere.

Visualise the numbers

Support for maps, gauges and charts, to clearly visualise vital data.

Long-term improvements

All users have access to operational data, facilitating continuous improvement.

Shipnet Asset 1

Captain Joshi

Manager (Quality Assurance), MOL Tankship Management

“Shipnet's software creates personnel accountability, showing live data for all to see. This transparency makes us a more efficient business.”

Depoli testimonial logo

Giovanni Colotto

Managing Director, De Poli Ship Management

“Shipnet's simplicity is what makes it stand out. Being able to connect different business areas in a few clicks allows more informed decision making.”


Intuitive and customisable dashboards

Easily customisable dashboards represent a single version of the truth to all users who log in to track tasks.

Continuous improvement

Front-end integration that supports continuous improvement within teams and management across the entire fleet.

Web and mobile supported

Extending your dashboards to non-Shipnet users within your business is simple with mobile access anywhere. 

Graphical representation

Enjoy a clear view of data, visualised on maps, gauges and charts which can easily be added to presentations. 

MOL Case Study Image
Shipnet ONE Asset 1

Modernising MOL Tankship Management, bringing a shipping giant into the modern era with Shipnet ONE

MOL specialises in the shipment of chemicals and oils, and needed an elegant, all-in-one solution to bring operations up to date. Read on to find out why MOL management is saying Shipnet’s software makes them a more efficient business.


Revolutionise your data collection today

  Deliver full control of your fleet’s operations, compliance and profitability

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